Award Arrow Adhesive Color Bands (to stripe 1 arrow)

WARNING: Choking Hazard
Not for children under 3 years.
ITEM #276x
  • Compatible with both the new and old programs
  • Includes material for one award arrow
  • Designed for arrow shafts up to 7/16" in diameter
  • 1/4", 1/2" and 1" easy peel vinyl strips
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If you ordered one of our kits, these color bands are already included in your kit.

While our Arrow Kit is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to make your award arrows, some customers have already assembled their own arrows and just need the color striping from us. These color bands are a perfect solution for most people. Please see important details below!

Our striping kit is an easy and affordable way to stripe your award arrows with the correct colors and sizes to indicate each scout’s achievements. The vinyl color bands are brightly colored, durable, and adhesive backed (like tape) which makes them easy to apply.

Color Band Planning Worksheet

Please Note before purchasing:

  • Includes enough material to stripe 1 arrow (shaft must be 7/16” in diameter or less).
  • The vinyl material comes in the correct ¼”, ½” and 1 inch widths on an easy to peel off sheet.
Mar 10, 2023
These vinyl stickers are a great idea for easy-to-do honor arrows, with a few caveats. The stickers are easier to use (and less messy) than paint, and make it possible to show a wide range of activities and awards. They were clearly designed many years ago, before the 2015 revamp of Cub Scouting. The suggested key is ok, but I thought it through and came up with my own. For example, I used the light blue "P" for Bobcat and black "A" for Lion. They are easy to put on, but to look great must be exactly straight. A couple of my scouts struggled to get them on right. And as with any sticker, too much handling makes them stick less well. If they are bent too much when removing them from the backing sheet, the end tends to curl up. Overall, my scouts were pleased with the stripes and enjoyed the process of putting them on the arrow.

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