Knot Tying Set

WARNING: Choking Hazard
Not for children under 3 years.
ITEM #502J
  • Includes: 6 waterproof plastic cards, 2 sections of high quality static line cord and a caribiner
  • A great way for kids to learn how to tie knots
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Six water-proof plastic cards riveted together with a grommet clearly illustrate how to tie 20 different essential rope knots plus two sections of high quality static line cord and a caribiner for practicing.

Knots include: Bowline, Tautline Hitch, Buntline Hitch, Square Knot, clove Hitch, Rolling Hitch, Constrictor Knot, Sheet Bend, Double Fisherman, Trucker's Hitch, Figure Eight, Mooring Hitch, Bowline on a Bight, Water Knot, Prusik Knot, Butterfly Knot, Half Hitch, Stopper Knot, Timber Hitch, Cleat Hitch.

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